Official Logos, Colors, and Fonts
Buffalo State logos, color palettes, and fonts combine to create a distinct visual identity for the institution resulting in a consistent look that strengthens the image of the institution.

Print Logos
Print logos can easily be enlarged or reduced in size and still maintain their legibility.

Web Logos
Web-ready logos are for electronic use only.

Signature Logos
Signature logos are available for each school, department, office, and center.
Specialty Logos

Creative Theme

The official Intercollegiate Athletics logos, Bengal mascot, and any associated marks are trademarked symbols. Only official logos and logotypes bearing the trademark symbol are to be used on merchandise.

Official Seal
The seal is reserved for official documents and presidential communications only. Use of the seal requires approval from the President’s Office. Exception: Marketing material aimed at international audiences, the purpose of which may require use of the official seal.

Print Colors
All vendors must use Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. Pantone colors should be used when printing stationery items. When a Pantone color is not available, use the CMYK mix. This palette is only for printed products.
- Primary: Burnt orange, PMS 159
- Secondary: Purple, PMS 668
- Tertiary: Warm gray, PMS 452
- Tertiary: Cool gray, PMS Cool Gray 9 (required use within the official crest mark)
NOTE: Buffalo State’s Intercollegiate Athletics program uses PMS 158 (orange) and black as its official colors for NCAA Division III.

Web Colors
Web colors are for electronic use only. In order to preserve ADA-compliance online, the print palette is not to be used for digitial products.
Primary: Burnt orange, #BB5B02
Secondary: Bright orange, #E37701
Tertiary: Gold, #FF9933
Tertiary and Text: Black, #000000
Print Fonts
Serif: Garamond
Sans Serif: Brandon Grotesque
Microsoft Word Font Substitutes*
Standard Microsoft Office systems substitutions are acceptable:
Serif: Garamond, Times New Roman
Sans Serif: Arial, Helvetica
*Please request official typefaces when working with commercial printing companies and design firms.
Web Fonts
Sans serif typefaces such as Arial or Helvetica are used to display running text on the web and should be used on all official pages.
- Text must be large enough to be readable
- Black text on a white background is the official combination
- All official Buffalo State web pages include readable, browser-safe fonts